Suitable for the fine cleaning of glass and ceramic substrates in optics and electronics: glasses, optical assemblies (incl. framing).
For the precision cleaning of electromechanical ensembles and PCB’s, also for cleaning for inspectional purposes of PCB’s.
Further on valid with good results for the cleaning and rebrightening of faded casings made from plastic materials and of faded lamella curtains.
The cleaner removes residues of light polishing suspensions, grease/oil, residues of activated fluxes (of RA-type), dust, fingerprints. Further on it removes residues from tea, coca cola, milk.
Application and dosage
Dosage: 3 - 10 vol% with water, temperature: 40 - 80°C (PCB’s at ~ 65°C), duration: 3 - 10 min with ultrasonics.
Safety recommendations
elma clean 225 sonic (EC 225 sonic) is classified as hazardous according to the regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [GHS] (serious eye damage). Observe also with respect to this the hints indicated in the Safety Data Sheet and always handle chemicals with care.
Physical-chemical characterisation
Density: 1.018g/ccm, pH (concentrate): ~10.6.
Ingredients according to Annex VII, A, EC-Regulation 648/2004 (detergents): 5-15% anionic surfactants, <5% non-ionic surfactants.
Does not contain phosphates or silicates.
The surfactants in our product meet the criteria for biodegradation as laid down in Annex III of the Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on detergents.
The cleaning bath can be fed into the public sewage system after neutralisation; observe the local pH limit values and make sure that the contamination contained complies with the local sewage regulations.
For neutralisation we recommend: use acetic or citric acid in an ultrasonic bath – do not use hydrochloric or sulphuric acid.
European waste code: 20 01 29*, „detergents containing dangerous substances“.
Volumes, storage and transport
Available volumes: 1 litre bottle, 10 litre and 25 litre can, 200 litre barrel.
Store in closed original container at a temperature between +5°C and +30°C, protected from heat and direct solar radiation.
Shelf life: 5 years from date of production (see stamp on label).
Classification for all means of transport: no hazardous material.