Conrad Electronic International GmbH & Co. KG
The Global Online Electronics & Technology Shop. stands for technology and electronics made in Germany. And it's not only in Germany where Conrad has become a household name. Currently, we ship to more than 150 countries across the planet. Our huge product range makes Conrad an increasingly popular choice for businesses and consumers alike.
No matter whether you are a pro, a techie, a hobbyist, make a living by running a workshop, are a hardware developer or business customer, when it comes to electronics and household technology, we provide ideas and practical solutions. Around the clock. Choose from a huge range of products, available by mail order, in our retail stores (in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and France) and online. Goes without saying that a comprehensive and competent worldwide customer service is an integral part of our package...
Wessels & Müller (German spare parts and tools for cars and trucks)

Wessels & Müller, your powerful partner
More than 175,000 products from catalog More than 90 shops in Germany with a wide range of products for car of dealers and auto repair shops.
We offer:
- Automotive parts and accessories for trucks - Parts and accessories - Equipment and tools for workshops - Car chemicals - Paint and paint accessories - Car Audio and Multimedia Telecommunications - Tires and wheels
HEINRICH KIPP WERK (Operating parts, standard elements, workholding systems)

The balance so far: We have been a reliable partner to industry for over a hundred years. The KIPP clamp lever has symbolised, for 60 years, the high quality of our range.
We develop products of consistent high quality, with a long service life and ergonomic design. Our catalogue and website are laid out logically to give you a proper overview. All corresponding data can be accessed quickly.
The members of the KIPP team of advisers are experts in their fields, with a mission to work with you to find the best solution to your needs. We deliver reliability, on time and at a fair price.
We are a downstream user within the meaning of European Regulation EC 1907/2006. There are currently no SVHC substances in concentrations of > 0.1% contained in our products. We will take into account changes in the candidate list as quickly as possible, and immediately adapt our range of products to the new requirements concerned.
Components and Systems Isel Germany AG
The objectives of the isel-group are products of the capital equipment market as consumables under the slogan: „From Components to Systems - made by isel & made for isel“.
Mechanics (Samples) Aluminum-profiles and stands, ball bearings and spindles linear- and rotating-units, machinery and automotive parts, workshop-and operating equipment, wheels and rollers
Electronics (Samples) Stepper- and servomotors, linear- and torque-motors, gear- and servomotors, amplifiers and regulators for controls and sensors, cabinets and control panels
Software (Samples) Path control for 3D-digitalising and 3D-CAD/CAM processing and CNC-applications for the automation of machines and systems, handling and robotics
Systems (samples) Machines, systems, handling, robotics and automation for drilling and milling, laser- and waterjet-cutting, coating and glue dispensing, welding and mounting
- General Catalog Isel Germany AG 2010-2011 "From Component to Systems".
Automation 2010-2011 part І
Automation 2010-2011 part ІІ
Automation 2010-2011 part ІІІ
Automation 2010-2011 part IV
- Catalog “Mechanics 2010-2011”.
Catalog “part I”
Catalog “part II”
- Catalog “Electronics 2010-2011”
- Catalog “Software 2010-2011”
- Catalog “Systems 2010-2011”
Profile and components proMa/systro

Der Produktbereich Prototypenfertigung umfasst Geräte und Verbrauchsmaterial zur Herstellung von individuellen Leiterplatten, dünne Metallfolien und IMS-Trägerplatinen für Leistungsbauelemente. Die Geräte werden ausschließlich in unserer Fertigung in Eiterfeld hergestellt und zeichnen sich durch solide und leicht zu bedienende Technik aus.
Im Produktbereich Gehäuse - Profile bieten wir Ihnen standardisierte und kundenspezifische Aluminium-Profilgehäuse, 19-Zoll-Gehäuse und Montageprofile an. Die Fertigungsmöglichkeiten umfassen neben dem Profilzuschnitt auch eine spanende Berabeitung von Profilen und Blechen, sowie Laser- /Wasserstrahlzuschnitte für Frontplatten und Gehäuseabdeckungen.
Die Produktgruppe CNC-Technologie umfasst kleine, kompakte CNC-Maschinen, Antriebskomponenten und CNC-Steuerungen. Hauptaugenmerk liegt hier bei der 2,5D-Bearbeitung von Blechen und Basismaterial.
SMT ist ein neuer Produktbereich der Gie-Tec und bietet ein umfassendes Programm an Geräten zur Herstellung von SMD-Baugruppen.
Catalog proMa/systro.PDF
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Systems and accessories Provita Medical GmbH

Best quality - Provita Medical GmbH
We manufacture and use commodities and materials from reliable suppliers from Europe. These partnerships with renowned producers and the quality mark “made in Germany” guarantees best quality. In the company-owned production site in Wermelskirchen, provita medical combines the use of modern machines with conscientious manual labour.
Hence the company is equipped with efficient CNC lathes, milling, plastic injection moulding machines and tube laser which ensure a precise manufacturing of the products. But not only precision is on demand: Cleanness and a thought-out warehousing belong to our understanding of an exact job. A technically high level and an ageless product design optimally complement one another.
That’s why we have a team of technical staff that intensively deals with the desires and enquiries of our customers. Each product is checked for its good functioning and condition before it is carefully packed for a safety transport. Our quality management arranges all steps – beginning with the manufacturing, ending with a reported dispatch. We produce in accordance to the norm ISO 9001. Provita medical guarantees after-orders (also of single parts) for a period of 10 years. Thus it grants a long-term use of all products.
Our portfolio includes:
- Examination and Reading lamps - IV-Poles, Docking Cart, Hygiene Centre - Ceiling Rail Systems - Wall Rail Systems
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