Low Voltage Irons
LR 21 Soldering Set 50 W, 24 V with Safety Rest WDH 30
WMP Soldering Set 65 W, 24 V with Safety Rest WDH 20
Soldering iron WSP 80, 80 W, 24 V with safety rest KH 18 and soldering tip LT B -Fast and precise reach of soldering temperature. -Slim iron design - For all purpose soldering jobs
Fer à souder WSP 150 avec support de sécurité - 150 W, 24 V - Ideal for applications with a high temperature demand
Soldering iron WSP 80, 80 W, 24 V with safety rest WDH 10 and soldering tip LT B - Soldering iron WP 80 with short tip-to-grip design. - Comfortable safety rest with 4 step varying inclination
WTA 50 Soldering Tweezer Set 50W, 24V with Safety Rest AK 51
Desoldering Iron Set 80 W, 24 V, with Threadless Nozzle Fixture System
Micro soldering iron WMRP 55 W, 12 V WMRP with safety rest WDH 50 and soldering tip RT 3 -Fine slim soldering iron. Ideal for microscope work. -High performance by integrated active soldering tip.
Micro desoldering tweezers WMRT 2 x 40 W, 12 V with safety rest WMRTH and soldering tiplet RTW 2 -For rework stations WR 3M -Slim tweezers. Ideal for soldering and desoldering of very small SMD components.
Soldering iron Set WP 65, 65 W, 24 V with safety rest WDH 10 and soldering tip XNT A - Small fast soldering iron with 65 W. Qualified for fine solder jobs with high heating demand.
Soldering iron Set WP 120, 120 W, 24 V with soldering tip XT B and safety rest WDH 10 T
Soldering iron Set WP 200, 200 W, 24 V with safety rest WDH 31 and soldering tip XHT D High Power soldering iron. Ideal for applications with a high temperature demand e.g. LED backpanels or HF shieldings.
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