Mape LaserCut-6060 is equipped with a new type of maintenance-free solid state laser with +20.000 hours operational life.
Versatile and convenient operation:
The LaserCut-6060 has fully CNC-controlled optical Z-axis, that includes a high precision taper-angle adjustment.
Worktable size: 1400x800mm.
Working area net.: 600x600mm.
Max. Work height: 40mm.
X-travel: 605mm
Y-travel: 605mm
Z-travel: 50mm
Cutting speed: Up to 5 meters per minute. Workpiece height: 40mm max (allowing fixtures).
Axis speed: Up to 24M/min.
Acceleration: Up to 2M/s/s.
Decelleration: Up to 3M/s/s.
Cut pattern accuracy: <10uM+/-.
Position accuracy: <5uM+/-.
Repeatability: <2uM +/-.
Sieb & Meyer CNC 82XX (Mape version).
Heidenhain continous Linear Encoding system.
Memory capacity: Virtually unlimited.
Data Entry: Via RS232, CD, LAN etc.
Data formats CAD: S+M, Gerber 274X.
Extraction system: CNC-contrlolled.
Shipping weight: Approx. 3.000 kgs.
Machine size: 150W x 190D x 160H cm.
Services required: 3x400V, 50-60Hz, 16Amps.
Process gas: Application specific (Air, Nitrogen, Oxygen).
Mape Pneumatical clamping system.
Optional: DEK 23”x23” Frame.
Note: ”DEK” is a reg. Trademark of DEK Corp. Other application specific frames and systems available (DEK, Alpha or others on request)
Extended working area on request.
Special fixtures on request.
Special application Lasers (wavelengths) on request.
CCD Video programming system:
Optional on-board CCD video programming system for patter recognition.
Extraction unit: 1.2kW, dual chamber system.
Front end system:
Mape GerberGrab.
Optional: Application-specific versions to accept customer data-formats.
Mape LaserCut is supplied ready for production.
Services requred: Tri-phase mains, compressed air or other process gas and a suitable vacuum extraction unit.
The LaserCut-6060 is guaranteed by Mape’s one-year warranty covering both parts and labour, and we provide guaranteed service within 24 hours.
Mape machines are manufactured in Denmark/EU.
Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.